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Kick-Off Event of the Virtual Tour of Circular Economy SMEs across Europe “Connecting the dots from Barcelona to Bottrop”

23rd April 2021, 10 – 11 am CET

The kick-off is easily accessible at the following zoom link:

Join here (Meeting ID: 833 9827 7337; Code: 348702).

The Kick-Off event of the virtual tour connects the dots between the World Circular Economy Forum+climate taking place in the Netherlands in April 2021 and the Circular Economy Hotspot in North-Rhine Westphalia (Germany) in autumn 2022. In the meantime, we will be taking you to a journey across Europe: SMEs from different countries and sectors will present how they apply circular strategies for their business advantages. – Let’s get started!

Moderation: Hanne Hagedorn, Green Economy Network North-Rhine Westphalia

  1. Introduction video “Connecting the dots
  2. Dialogue panel on the transition to a Circular Economy
  • What will the economy of the future look like and what do we need to change?
    Henning Wilts, Director Circular Economy at Wuppertal Institute
  • Solving three challenges in one?
    Experiences from the World Circular EconomyForum+climate
    Freek van Eijk, Director at Holland Circular Hotspot
    Digital Circular Economy – connecting the dots
    Prof. Karl Vrancken, Research Manager Sustainable Materials Management at VITO
  • Differences between sectors – what kind of action is needed?
    Heyd F. Más, Project Lead at, PACE (Platform for Accelerating the Circular Economy)
  • How to get started and become a circular SME
    Svenja Grauel, Project Lead Circular Economy at Prosperkolleg, Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences
  1. Inspiring company examples
  • Benefits of circularity for a cradle-to-cradle certified frontrunner
    Lars Baumgürtel, CEO at ZINQ GmbH & Co. KG
  • Cross-sectoral cooperation to close the loop
    tbd, company from Sweden / other
  • More circular, more resilient?! An example of adapting to change such as the Covid 19 pandemic
    Peter Mackenrodt, CEO at m+f KEG-Technik GmbH & Co. KG
  1. Lessons learned and next travel stops

For the industry events, registration is required. Individual appointments can also be made here up to the hotspot in Bottrop.


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